Here is the analysis to my questionnaire and the results. Type in the link below to see the results:
About Me
- c05abriggs
- I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Film Questionnaire
1. What is your Gender?
Female Male
2. What Age Group are you in?
10-15 16-22 23-30 30+
3. What is your favourite genre of film?
Horror Action Romantic Comedy Sci-fi Western Drama/Tragedy
4. Do you read reviews before you see a film?
Yes No
5. What type of advertisement do you find most influential to see a film?
Magazine Trailer Poster Website
6. How influential is a trailer to see a film?
Not at all Slightly influential Very influential
7. What do you find most appealing about a trailer?
Sounds Graphics Actors Plot Lines Camera Angles/Shots
8. How long should a trailer be?
Less than 1 minute 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes or More
9. Which type of sound do you think is more important in a film trailer?
Music Dialogue
10. Do you like to see a variety of different graphics or would you prefer them to be simple?
Variety of different Graphics Simple Graphics
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Film Magazine Analysis - Empire
"Empire" is a well known film magazine that appeals to its target audience of young adults because of its bright colours and its well known modern, box office actors and actresses.
On this front cover of "Empire" the main image is of Daniel Radcliffe who is playing Harry Potter in the first part of the finale of the famous films written by J.K Rowling. This front cover has a variety of different elements to it the make the magazine appealing to the target audience.
The masthead of this film magazine is partly blocked out by the main image on the front cover. However, the magazine is still recognisable by the target audience because it is such a well known film magazine. However, this masthead doesn't stand out from the page because of the dark background. The dark background and the red masthead don't contrast with each other, they just blend in do that the masthead doesn't stand out to the target audience as much as it should. This will make the magazine less appealing to the target audience because the masthead isn't as recognisable on the dark background.
Main Image
The main image of this front cover has direct address with the target audience, not only with the large main image, but with the smaller images that are related to the main image as well. This makes it more appealing to the target audience because it allows the main image to connect with the target audience so that they want to read the magazine articles more. The main image also represents what happens in the film as the 4 main characters are on the front cover and it also shows broken glass which represents destruction. There is also a small piece of text on the left hand side of the image that explains what film the image is about.
The skyline on this front cover of "Empire" brags about the magazine and the articles that this issue contains as it says, "Our best preview issue ever!". This tells the target audience that there is going to be a big section of the magazine about the preview of the new Harry Potter film. This allows the target audience to know what is going to be featured in the magazine without having to open the pages of the magazine. The skyline at the top of the page is also in bright colours and this makes the features stand out to the target audience. However, the skyline at the bottom doesn't stand out as much but does have its own section of box of the front cover so that the text doesn't get jumbled up.
Anchorage Text
The anchorage text on this front cover is centred in the page so that it is the first text that the target audience sees, this is important because it is the feature that will make the magazine seem appealing to the target audience. The anchorage text on this front cover is white and this stand out against the main image and the background because it is so bright and contrasts with the other colours on the page. The anchorage text also has additional text to explain and support the anchorage text and the main image.
Sell Lines
On this front cover for "Empire" the sell lines are put into categories so that the target audience can easily locate what articles they are interested in. However, there aren't many sell lines on the front cover to make the magazine seem more appealing to the target audience. The colour of the sell lines makes them stand out from the rest of the page, however, the size of them is rather small and this could mean that they are hard for the target audience to read.
Layout and Colour Scheme
The layout of this film poster is quite hectic and there isnt a set order to the text, they just seem random and all over the place, especially with the sizes. The main layout is dominated by the main image rather than the text that makes the magazine seem appealing to the target audience. However, the colour scheme of the film magazine contrasts as there are both dark and bright colours, this makes it eye catching for the target audience as particular features stand out from the page.
Film Magazine Analysis - Total Film
"Total Film" is a well known film magazine that appeals to its target audience of young adults because of its bright colours and its well known modern, box office actors and actresses.
On this front cover of "Total Film" the main image is of Johnny Depp who is playing The Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's new film "Alice In Wonderland". This front cover has a variety of different elements to it that make the magazine appealing to the target audience.
The masthead of this film magazine is partly covered by the main image, however, it is still recogniseable to the target audience because it is such a well known magazine. Also, the word "film" is easy to eastablish from this magazine cover. The masthead is also the biggest text size on the page and is in a completely different font to the rest of the text, this makes the masthead stand out from the page to the target audience.
Main Image
The main image on the front cover of "Total Film" has direct address with the target audience and this draws the target audience into the magazine. This is because the magazine seems more appealing as the image is connecting with the target audience. The main image is also of a familiar character and actor and this makes the target audience want to know more about their favourite character, actor and what their new film is.
The skyline on this film magazine is bold and brightly coloured that makes it stand out from the rest of the text on the front cover. The skyline also attracts the target audience because it is telling them about what they can get from the magazine for free and this appeals to them. Aswell as a skyline at the top of the page, there is also one at the bottom of the front cover to tell the target audience what else they can find within the magazine. This makes the magazine seem more appealing to the target audience because they are getting more information at the magazine without having to open the pages.
Anchorage Text
The anchorage text for this front cover of "Total Film" is set to the side of the page so that it doesn't cross over the main image. The anchorage text of this front cover is also larger than the rest of the texxt of the page so that it stands out, however, the colour of the anchorage text is the same colour as the sell lines and this doesn't make the anchorage text stand out as much as it should do. This anchorage text also has additional text to helps explain and support the image and what is said within the anchorage text.
Sell Lines
The sell lines of a magazine are what make the target audience want to open the magazine and read the articles because they are of popular topics that the target audience is interested in. In this case, it is other popular films that are out in the cinema at the time this magazine was made.
Layout and Colour Scheme
The layout of this front cover isn't too crowded as everything is set to one side rather than on both sides and all over the place. This makes it look more professional and therefore appealing to the target audience. The colour scheme of this front cover is bright and intreaging colours that will catch the eye of the target audience and draw them into reading the rest of the magazine rather than just the front cover.
On this front cover of "Total Film" the main image is of Johnny Depp who is playing The Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's new film "Alice In Wonderland". This front cover has a variety of different elements to it that make the magazine appealing to the target audience.
The masthead of this film magazine is partly covered by the main image, however, it is still recogniseable to the target audience because it is such a well known magazine. Also, the word "film" is easy to eastablish from this magazine cover. The masthead is also the biggest text size on the page and is in a completely different font to the rest of the text, this makes the masthead stand out from the page to the target audience.
Main Image
The main image on the front cover of "Total Film" has direct address with the target audience and this draws the target audience into the magazine. This is because the magazine seems more appealing as the image is connecting with the target audience. The main image is also of a familiar character and actor and this makes the target audience want to know more about their favourite character, actor and what their new film is.
The skyline on this film magazine is bold and brightly coloured that makes it stand out from the rest of the text on the front cover. The skyline also attracts the target audience because it is telling them about what they can get from the magazine for free and this appeals to them. Aswell as a skyline at the top of the page, there is also one at the bottom of the front cover to tell the target audience what else they can find within the magazine. This makes the magazine seem more appealing to the target audience because they are getting more information at the magazine without having to open the pages.
Anchorage Text
The anchorage text for this front cover of "Total Film" is set to the side of the page so that it doesn't cross over the main image. The anchorage text of this front cover is also larger than the rest of the texxt of the page so that it stands out, however, the colour of the anchorage text is the same colour as the sell lines and this doesn't make the anchorage text stand out as much as it should do. This anchorage text also has additional text to helps explain and support the image and what is said within the anchorage text.
Sell Lines
The sell lines of a magazine are what make the target audience want to open the magazine and read the articles because they are of popular topics that the target audience is interested in. In this case, it is other popular films that are out in the cinema at the time this magazine was made.
Layout and Colour Scheme
The layout of this front cover isn't too crowded as everything is set to one side rather than on both sides and all over the place. This makes it look more professional and therefore appealing to the target audience. The colour scheme of this front cover is bright and intreaging colours that will catch the eye of the target audience and draw them into reading the rest of the magazine rather than just the front cover.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Film Poster Analysis - Mean Girls
As well as a trailer, a film poster was created for "Mean Girls". Here is the poster:
There are many different elements of this film poster that make the film look more appealing to the target audience.
The colours of this film poster fit in with the target audience of this film which is girls, this is because the title, the outfits and the name of the main character are all pink which is associated with girls. The colour of the background also makes the rest of the colours stand out from the rest of the page as the background is such a plain colour. However, the colour of the text is white and a darker shade of grey which also makes them stand out from the background, but not more than the title or the images of the film poster.
The images of this film poster have the conventions of a chick flick because the images of the characters are only of females and this tells the audience exactly who the film is aimed at. The main character on the left of the poster is also larger than the rest of the characters and this shows that she is the most important character of the film; it also shows that she is an outsider because she is wearing a different colour and style of outfit than the other characters. The position of the character also backs up what is said in the tag line, “watch your back”, it shows that she is the character that needs to be careful and there will be conflict with and the image shows her looking over her shoulder in a scared facial expression. These images suggest a narrative as well as the tag line.
The title of the film, “Mean Girls” stands out from the rest of the context of the page as it is bright pink and this colour represents the target audience of the film. This film poster doesn’t follow the conventions of a movie poster because it is central on the page, however it is vertical not horizontal. However, it is still bigger than any other text on the page and is capitalised like most titles on a film poster. Underneath the title there is also another short tag line and this also tells the audience that the film is a comedy and a romance.
Tag Line
The tag line “Watch your back” tells the audience that there will be conflict between the characters that are on the film poster. The tag line on this film poster isn’t centred on the page like the normal conventions of a film poster, however, the tag line is still one of the first things seen on the film poster as it stands out on the page and it is larger than normal tag lines on a film poster. It also has the release date underneath it in bright pink and this makes it more visible to the audience.
Billing Block
This film poster also has a billing block that tells the audience a variety of different technical information, such as the media institutions the director are the producers. However, it isn’t as large as most billing blocks and is more spread out on the page because it has a longer length. The billing block on this film poster also doesn’t follow the conventions of a typical billing block as this also follows the style of the title; it is vertical rather than horizontal. This leaves more room for larger images and more detail on the film poster. However, it does still have the box underneath the tag line telling the audience the age rating of the film.
On this film poster there is no commendation from any media institutions (for example, a quote or a star rating system) and therefore this does not back up how good the film is to the audience because there is no one telling them how good the film is. Therefore it is left to chance for the audience to find out for themselves how good the film is rather than relying on a commendation.
Film Poster Analysis - Four Weddings and a Funeral

There are many different elements of this film poster that make the film look appealing to the target audience.
The colours of this film poster fit in with the conventions of ‘love’ because there is a lot of red that is used for the text, such as the names of the main characters and also for the tag line. This tells the audience that the genre of the film will be romance. The rest of the colours in this film poster are natural colours and give the impression of a romantic city such as Paris. The colours of the main characters also stand out from the page because this tells the audience to look out for these 2 characters as they are very important to the plot of the film.
The images of this film poster have the conventions of romance because the two main characters on the film poster are happy and smiling. This shows that they are happily in love, however, their eyes don’t quite show full happiness and this could suggest to the audience that there is a secret twist to the film. The background of the film poster also says a lot about the film although there isn’t much of it. It also suggests romance because it looks like a romantic city and also backs up the name of the film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, because of the church and this is where these types of events are held. These images suggest a narrative as well as the tag line.
The images of this film poster have the conventions of romance because the two main characters on the film poster are happy and smiling. This shows that they are happily in love, however, their eyes don’t quite show full happiness and this could suggest to the audience that there is a secret twist to the film. The background of the film poster also says a lot about the film although there isn’t much of it. It also suggests romance because it looks like a romantic city and also backs up the name of the film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, because of the church and this is where these types of events are held. These images suggest a narrative as well as the tag line.
The title of the film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” stands out from the rest of the context of the page as it is bright yellow and has a red heart next to it, this represents love. It follows the conventions of a movie poster because it is central on the page; it is bigger than any other text on the page. However, it isn’t capitalised like most titles of a film poster. The font of the title is quite wacky and cartoonish and this represents the comedy side of the film. Underneath the title there is also another short tag line and this also tells the audience that the film is a comedy and a romance.
The title of the film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” stands out from the rest of the context of the page as it is bright yellow and has a red heart next to it, this represents love. It follows the conventions of a movie poster because it is central on the page; it is bigger than any other text on the page. However, it isn’t capitalised like most titles of a film poster. The font of the title is quite wacky and cartoonish and this represents the comedy side of the film. Underneath the title there is also another short tag line and this also tells the audience that the film is a comedy and a romance.
Famous Actors
At the top of the page, there is the name of the two main characters of the film, one of which is a well-known American actress to attract the American audience, and this tells the audience who will be in it to attract them more to the film. They are also in the colour red which suggests that they fall in love with each other.
At the top of the page, there is the name of the two main characters of the film, one of which is a well-known American actress to attract the American audience, and this tells the audience who will be in it to attract them more to the film. They are also in the colour red which suggests that they fall in love with each other.
Tag Line
The tag line “He’s quite engaging. She’s otherwise engaged” tells the audience alot about the plot of the film. The tag line suggests that the couple fall in love but the woman is already with somebody else. The tag line is also centred on the page so it is one of the first things the audience reads apart from the title, however, the colour of the tag line blends in with the black on the image and this therefore makes it harder to read and makes it stand out less.
The tag line “He’s quite engaging. She’s otherwise engaged” tells the audience alot about the plot of the film. The tag line suggests that the couple fall in love but the woman is already with somebody else. The tag line is also centred on the page so it is one of the first things the audience reads apart from the title, however, the colour of the tag line blends in with the black on the image and this therefore makes it harder to read and makes it stand out less.
Billing Block
This film poster has a billing block that tells the audience a variety of different technical information, such as the media institutions (Working Title Films), the director are the producers. However, it doesn’t tell the audience when the film is being released.
This film poster has a billing block that tells the audience a variety of different technical information, such as the media institutions (Working Title Films), the director are the producers. However, it doesn’t tell the audience when the film is being released.
On this film poster there is no commendation from any media institutions (for example, a quote or a star rating system) and therefore this does not back up how good the film is to the audience because there is no one telling them how good the film is. Therefore it is left to chance for the audience to find out for themselves how good the film is rather than relying on a commendation.
On this film poster there is no commendation from any media institutions (for example, a quote or a star rating system) and therefore this does not back up how good the film is to the audience because there is no one telling them how good the film is. Therefore it is left to chance for the audience to find out for themselves how good the film is rather than relying on a commendation.
Film Poster Analysis - Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
As well as a trailer, a film poster was also created for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". Here is the poster:
There are many different elements of this film poster that make the film look appealing to the target audience.
There are many different elements of this film poster that make the film look appealing to the target audience.
The colours of this film poster fit in with the conventions of the word “Ghosts”, which is in the title of the film, because the images of the girlfriends are in a white and light grey colour and this gives the audience the impression that they are in the past and are ghost like as these colours are associated with ghosts and haunted spirits. However, on the top image, the woman’s hand turns to a normal skin colour when she comes out of the photo frame (this is the same with the hair of the other women) this could suggest that the girlfriends are real and haunting the man.
The images of this film poster have the conventions of romance and seduction as all of the images of the girls in photo frames are looking at the man in the middle of the poster in a seductive manner and this shows that they all have some sort of relationship with him. In this case, they were his girlfriends as this tells the audience this concept in the title, “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”. The image of the woman holding the scarf that is around the man’s neck also shows that she is trying to win the affection of the man. These images suggest a narrative as well as the tag line.
The images of this film poster have the conventions of romance and seduction as all of the images of the girls in photo frames are looking at the man in the middle of the poster in a seductive manner and this shows that they all have some sort of relationship with him. In this case, they were his girlfriends as this tells the audience this concept in the title, “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”. The image of the woman holding the scarf that is around the man’s neck also shows that she is trying to win the affection of the man. These images suggest a narrative as well as the tag line.
The title of the film, “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”, stands out from the rest of the context of the page as it is bright red and in capital letters. It follows the conventions of a movie poster because it is central on the page, it is bigger than any other text on the page and the titles are quite often capitalised like this one. It is also the colour red which represents love and romance. Above the title are also the names of the international stars that tell the audience who is in the film and this is part of the attraction as they are familiar to the audience.
Tag Line
The tag line “You can’t always run from your past” is a memorable slogan that suggests to the audience the concept of the film - the girlfriends are coming back to teach him a lesson. The tag line is also in the middle of the page so it is one of the first things the audience reads apart from the title as it explains in a very simple way what the film is about and this makes the audience want to see the film more because they want to know more.
Billing Block
This film poster has a billing block that tells the audience a variety of different technical information, such as the media institutions (new line cinema), the director and the producers and it also states the release date of the film which was the 5th January 2009. This billing block also has the name of the website in very small print underneath the big bulk of text so that the audience can find out more about the film that is being advertised. It also states, in very small print, the rating of the film which is PG 13 and this is inside the little table on the left hand side of the billing box.
On this film poster there is no commendation from any media institutions (for example, a quote or a star rating system) and therefore this does not back up how good the film is to the audience because there is no one telling them how good the film is. Therefore it is left to chance for the audience to find out for themselves how good the film is rather than relying on a commendation.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Trailer Analysis - Mean Girls
Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" there are many different elements that are used to tell the target audience about the film and to introduce its genre.
Camera Shots
There are many different types of camera shots that are used within this trailer. Mid shots are used within this trailer to introuce the main characters and their personalities. This helps the target audience to understand how the different characters within the film play their part. For example, the image on the left shows another main character and that they personality is bold and out going.

Close ups are used within the trailer for "Mean Girls" to highlight some of the main characters within the film. For example, the image on the left shows a close up of the leading man of the film who is portrayed as the typical handsome teenage boy. A close up is used to show off the fact that he is the typical handsome teenage boy to show off his features to the target audience. This close up of the leading guy is also used to show the target audience that there are a few male roles within the film, however, the film is mainly dominated by females for the main roles and this highlights that the film is aimed at women.
Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used throughout the trailer of "Mean Girls" to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
Panning is the main camera angle that is used within the trailer. It i used to show the target audience the different cliques within the setting of the film. For example, when all the characters are in the canteen and panning is used to show all the different cliques sitting at their individual tables without mixing with other cliques. Panning is also used to show the different areas within the school, for example, the classrooms.
Low Angles and High Angles are another camera angle technique that is used within the trailer. These camera angles are used within the film trailer to show the target audience a hierarchy within the school between the cliques. Below are 2 images, one of a low andgle and one of a high angle. These printscreens are one after the other and they show the hierarchy between the 2 characters within the film.
Left: Low Angle
Right: High Angle
Edits and Transitions
Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" there are a variety of different edits and transitions that are used.
A zooming effect is used within the trailer to show close ups of both characters and the settings of the film. Close ups of the characters are also used to show the target audience that the characters are of a similar age to them and this helps them to relate more with the characters within the film.
The trailer for "Mean Girls" is edited in a way so that it highlights and tells the narrative of the film by showing all the evil and devious plots and wars between the main characters. For example, in the image on the left, a phone conversation is being held and this is where one of the evil plots is taking place between 2 of the main characters. This is edited so that you are able to see both of the characters at the same time.
Jumping is used within the trailer to show the difference between the character's appearances and the differences in their personalities. For example, when they are introducing the "Plastics" clique within the film, the trailer jumps from scene to scene showing the different personalities of each of the characters within the clique. Jumping is also used to show off different parts of the school as it helps the target audience to understand the space of the school and how the characters behave within the environment.
Reverse shots are used during conversations between characters to show their relationships and their behaviour towards each other. This helps the target audience to understand the conflict that will occur between these characters.
Mise En Scene
Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" the mise en scene of everything that is shown suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.

The different outfits of the characters show the different personalities within the different cliques. For example, in the image on the left the character is made to look sweet and inocent but really she is the "Mean Girl" of the film who is cunning and devious at the same time.

There are many different types of sounds that are used within this trailer to help the target audience to understand more about the films narrative.
The background music of the film trailer is upbeat and modern. This attracts the attention of the target audience because it is the style of music that they are used to and it also draws them into the film as the background music makes it sound exciting and fun. The background music of the film also makes the main character of the film seem sweet and inocent at the start of the trailer but shows how she progresses to be just as devious as the main characters.
The dialogue that is within the film trailer helps to explain the narrative of the film by telling the target audience about the devious plots that the characters perform within the film. This also draws the target audience in to the film because the trailer shows the excitment and deviouness of the film and its characters.
Here is a link to the trailer of "Mean Girls"
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Trailer Analysis - Four Weddings and a Funeral
Within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" there are many different elements that are used to tell the target audience about the film and to introduce its genre.
Camera Shots

Long shots are another camera shot that is used within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral". Long shots are used within this trailer to show the target audience where the film is set place and to give the target audience an idea of the genre of the film. For example, in this long shot of the church, it shows the target audience where a lot of the film is set (which is a church) and it also tells the target audience that the theme and genre of the film is love and romance. This long shot also shows a lot of different people and this suggests to the target audience that there are many different elements and characters in this film.
Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
The main camera angle that is used within this film is tracking. This is used to follow the movements of the different characters to show their different emotions and physical actions. For example, during the trailer of the film, the leading man of the film is running down a street towards the leading lady. Tracking is used to follow his movements and to also show his speed. This shows the target audience that he is rushing to get to the leading lady because they are in love.
Edits and Transitions
Within the trailer of this film, there are a variety of different edits and transitions.
The main edit that is used within this the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" is text and the colours of backgrounds. For example, this edit in this screen shot is of white text on a plain black background. The text in this edit helps to narrate what the film is all about and what the meaning of the trailer is. For example, this text says "A LOVING BRIDE". This tells the target audience that the film is about love and a wedding. It also helps to introduce one of the characters as it is talking about a specific person, the bride.
The transitions within this film are soft and fade into each other. This is to help backup the genre of the film. If the transitions were fast and sharp then the target audience may think that the film is more of an action film rather than a romantic film. The transitions of the different camera shots of the characters are also in pairs. For example, the images of the leading men and women roles are together to show that they fall in love. This is also shown through reverse shot editing.
Mise En Scene
Within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" the mise en scene of everything that is shown suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.

For a lot of the trailer, there are characters constantly wearing wedding or bridesmaid dresses. This mise en scene shows the genre of the film as weddings are associated with the genre of love and romance. However, the rip in the back of one of the bridesmaids dresses tells the target audience that the film is also a comedy as the image is funny. The rip in the back of the characters dress also shows their personality. It tells the target audience that the character is a bit clumsy, not very organised and doesn't take great pride in their appearance.
There is a variety of different sounds used throughout this trailer to help the target audience understand what the film is about, what is happening and what the genre of this film is.
Dialogue is continuously used to tell the audience about the plot of the film and to make them laugh. Whitty one liners are constantly used at the right times to make the audience laugh but to also get the plot across to the target audience as to why things are funny. This tells the target audience that the genre of the film is comedy.
Troughout the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" background music is constantly playing. The backhground music that is used is the common wedding music of when a bride is walking down the aisle. This is so that the target audience is aware of the settings and plot of the film. This also hints at the genre of the film as the background music is associated with romance and love.
Here is a link to the trailer of "Four Weddings and a Funeral"
Trailer Analysis - Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
There are many different elements within the trailer of "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" that make the film seem appealing to the target audience and to establish its genre.
Camera Shots
There are many different types of camera shots used within this trailer. Close-ups are used within this trailer to establish and introduce the characters of the film to the target audience. This gives the audience an idea of the characters personalities and their role within the storyline. For example, the close up of the leading woman in this film shows that she is important to the storyline and that her personality is quite angelic.

Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used within this trailer to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
Panning is used in this film trailer so that the target audience are aware of the movements of the characters within the film. For example, when the ghost walks through the main character the target audience are able to follow every detail of the movement so that they are aware of who the character is.
Reverse shots are also used within this trailer to show conversations and relationships between characters within the film that are important to the storyline. This is so that the target audience is aware of the relationships within the film and this gives them a better idea of what the film is about.
Edits and Transitions
There are also a variety of different edits and transitions within this trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past".
The transitions within this trailer are quick to show the fast life styles of the characters so that the target audience is aware of their personalities. Quick transitions are also used to show how the main characters are falling in love with each other. For example, in the middle of the trailer, there are constant transitions of the main characters smiling and looking at each other. This gives the impression that they are falling in love to the target audience.

Mise En Scene
All of the mise en scene within this trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.
The lighting behind the leadine lady of the film and the outfits that she is wearing make her seem angelic and sweet, like anyone would fall in love with her. However, the leading man in the film constantly wears smart clothing and has a bit of a snobbish behaviour which shows that there will be contrast between the characters at some point during the film.

There is a variety of different sound techniques used within the trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past".
The main background music of the trailer is gentle and romantic and this shows the target audience the genre of the film, a romantic comedy, because this is the type of music that is associated with romance. However, at the start of the trailer, the music is slightly heavier but then slows down to a more gentle music. This is to show that the main characters are falling in love aftert they are shown together within the trailer.
Within the trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" there is also a brief, sharp sting. This tells the target audience that there will be a twist in the storyline of the film and that everything is not as it appears to be - its dramatic and reveals a deeper plot.
Here is a link to the film trailer of "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past"
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