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I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Film Magazine Analysis - Total Film

"Total Film" is a well known film magazine that appeals to its target audience of young adults because of its bright colours and its well known modern, box office actors and actresses.

On this front cover of "Total Film" the main image is of Johnny Depp who is playing The Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's new film "Alice In Wonderland". This front cover has a variety of different elements to it that make the magazine appealing to the target audience.
The masthead of this film magazine is partly covered by the main image, however, it is still recogniseable to the target audience because it is such a well known magazine. Also, the word "film" is easy to eastablish from this magazine cover. The masthead is also the biggest text size on the page and is in a completely different font to the rest of the text, this makes the masthead stand out from the page to the target audience.
Main Image
The main image on the front cover of "Total Film" has direct address with the target audience and this draws the target audience into the magazine. This is because the magazine seems more appealing as the image is connecting with the target audience. The main image is also of a familiar character and actor and this makes the target audience want to know more about their favourite character, actor and what their new film is.
The skyline on this film magazine is bold and brightly coloured that makes it stand out from the rest of the text on the front cover. The skyline also attracts the target audience because it is telling them about what they can get from the magazine for free and this appeals to them. Aswell as a skyline at the top of the page, there is also one at the bottom of the front cover to tell the target audience what else they can find within the magazine. This makes the magazine seem more appealing to the target audience because they are getting more information at the magazine without having to open the pages.
Anchorage Text
The anchorage text for this front cover of "Total Film" is set to the side of the page so that it doesn't cross over the main image. The anchorage text of this front cover is also larger than the rest of the texxt of the page so that it stands out, however, the colour of the anchorage text is the same colour as the sell lines and this doesn't make the anchorage text stand out as much as it should do. This anchorage text also has additional text to helps explain and support the image and what is said within the anchorage text.
Sell Lines
The sell lines of a magazine are what make the target audience want to open the magazine and read the articles because they are of popular topics that the target audience is interested in. In this case, it is other popular films that are out in the cinema at the time this magazine was made.
Layout and Colour Scheme
The layout of this front cover isn't too crowded as everything is set to one side rather than on both sides and all over the place. This makes it look more professional and therefore appealing to the target audience. The colour scheme of this front cover is bright and intreaging colours that will catch the eye of the target audience and draw them into reading the rest of the magazine rather than just the front cover.

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