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I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Trailer Analysis - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" there are many different elements that are used to tell the target audience about the film and to introduce its genre.

Camera Shots

There are many different types of camera shots used within this trailer. Close-ups are used within this trailer to introduce the characters to the target audience of the film. This helps the target audience to understand the personalities of the characters and what their roles are within the film. The close-ups within this film trailer also establish the target audience of the film. This is because the characters are of a similar age to the target audience. This means that the target audience are able to relate more easily to the personalities of the characters and the issues that they are faced with during the film.
Long shots are another camera shot that is used within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral". Long shots are used within this trailer to show the target audience where the film is set place and to give the target audience an idea of the genre of the film. For example, in this long shot of the church, it shows the target audience where a lot of the film is set (which is a church) and it also tells the target audience that the theme and genre of the film is love and romance. This long shot also shows a lot of different people and this suggests to the target audience that there are many different elements and characters in this film.

Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
The main camera angle that is used within this film is tracking. This is used to follow the movements of the different characters to show their different emotions and physical actions. For example, during the trailer of the film, the leading man of the film is running down a street towards the leading lady. Tracking is used to follow his movements and to also show his speed. This shows the target audience that he is rushing to get to the leading lady because they are in love.

Edits and Transitions
Within the trailer of this film, there are a variety of different edits and transitions.
The main edit that is used within this the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" is text and the colours of backgrounds. For example, this edit in this screen shot is of white text on a plain black background. The text in this edit helps to narrate what the film is all about and what the meaning of the trailer is. For example, this text says "A LOVING BRIDE". This tells the target audience that the film is about love and a wedding. It also helps to introduce one of the characters as it is talking about a specific person, the bride.

The transitions within this film are soft and fade into each other. This is to help backup the genre of the film. If the transitions were fast and sharp then the target audience may think that the film is more of an action film rather than a romantic film. The transitions of the different camera shots of the characters are also in pairs. For example, the images of the leading men and women roles are together to show that they fall in love. This is also shown through reverse shot editing.

Mise En Scene
Within the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" the mise en scene of everything that is shown suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.
All of the outfits within this trailer are older and more out of date to the clothes that the modern public where and this shows that the film is a much older film to what the target audience is used to in the modern world. The outfits within this trailer also show the different personalities of the characters. For example, in this screen shot of the leading lady, her outfit is more sophisticated and elegant than the other characters that are around her. This shows that her personality is posh and upper class. It also shows that she is a serious woman who can easily demand the attention of a room, this is shown through the lighting and focus on her.
For a lot of the trailer, there are characters constantly wearing wedding or bridesmaid dresses. This mise en scene shows the genre of the film as weddings are associated with the genre of love and romance. However, the rip in the back of one of the bridesmaids dresses tells the target audience that the film is also a comedy as the image is funny. The rip in the back of the characters dress also shows their personality. It tells the target audience that the character is a bit clumsy, not very organised and doesn't take great pride in their appearance.

There is a variety of different sounds used throughout this trailer to help the target audience understand what the film is about, what is happening and what the genre of this film is.
Dialogue is continuously used to tell the audience about the plot of the film and to make them laugh. Whitty one liners are constantly used at the right times to make the audience laugh but to also get the plot across to the target audience as to why things are funny. This tells the target audience that the genre of the film is comedy.
Troughout the trailer for "Four Weddings and a Funeral" background music is constantly playing. The backhground music that is used is the common wedding music of when a bride is walking down the aisle. This is so that the target audience is aware of the settings and plot of the film. This also hints at the genre of the film as the background music is associated with romance and love.

Here is a link to the trailer of "Four Weddings and a Funeral"

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