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I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Trailer Analysis - Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

There are many different elements within the trailer of "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" that make the film seem appealing to the target audience and to establish its genre.

Camera Shots
There are many different types of camera shots used within this trailer. Close-ups are used within this trailer to establish and introduce the characters of the film to the target audience. This gives the audience an idea of the characters personalities and their role within the storyline. For example, the close up of the leading woman in this film shows that she is important to the storyline and that her personality is quite angelic.

Long Shots are also used within this trailer. This is so that the target audience knows the settings in which the storyline is taking place. This also gives the target audience a feel of what the characters lives are like because of the setting in which they live in. For example, the first establishing shot within this trailer is of a large city. This tells the target audience that the lives of the characters are very busy and complex.

Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used within this trailer to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
Panning is used in this film trailer so that the target audience are aware of the movements of the characters within the film. For example, when the ghost walks through the main character the target audience are able to follow every detail of the movement so that they are aware of who the character is.
Reverse shots are also used within this trailer to show conversations and relationships between characters within the film that are important to the storyline. This is so that the target audience is aware of the relationships within the film and this gives them a better idea of what the film is about.

Edits and Transitions
There are also a variety of different edits and transitions within this trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past".
The transitions within this trailer are quick to show the fast life styles of the characters so that the target audience is aware of their personalities. Quick transitions are also used to show how the main characters are falling in love with each other. For example, in the middle of the trailer, there are constant transitions of the main characters smiling and looking at each other. This gives the impression that they are falling in love to the target audience.
Within this trailer, there is a lot of text used to narrate what is happening within the trailer and what the film is about. The text within this trailer also introduces the characters as it tells the target audience what the personalities of the characters. For example, in this print screen of an edit of text, it saud "But when it comes to love" this suggests that the leading man of the film has trouble when it comes to expressing his feelings and has trouble with love. This helps the audience to grab this consept in a different way than just images.
Mise En Scene
All of the mise en scene within this trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.
The lighting behind the leadine lady of the film and the outfits that she is wearing make her seem angelic and sweet, like anyone would fall in love with her. However, the leading man in the film constantly wears smart clothing and has a bit of a snobbish behaviour which shows that there will be contrast between the characters at some point during the film.
Also, the settings of the film during the trailer suggest that the genre of the film is a romantic comedy. This is because there is a lot of snow used during scenes between the two main characters, this is scene as quite a romantic setting and this suggests a romantic comedy genre to the target audience. This particular setting within the trailer also suggests the genre of a romantic comedy because the two main characters are dancing in the snow in front of a romantic looking building. This suggests that they are falling in love with each other.
There is a variety of different sound techniques used within the trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past".
The main background music of the trailer is gentle and romantic and this shows the target audience the genre of the film, a romantic comedy, because this is the type of music that is associated with romance. However, at the start of the trailer, the music is slightly heavier but then slows down to a more gentle music. This is to show that the main characters are falling in love aftert they are shown together within the trailer.
Within the trailer for "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" there is also a brief, sharp sting. This tells the target audience that there will be a twist in the storyline of the film and that everything is not as it appears to be - its dramatic and reveals a deeper plot.

Here is a link to the film trailer of "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past"

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