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I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Monday 12 September 2011

Trailer Analysis - Mean Girls

Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" there are many different elements that are used to tell the target audience about the film and to introduce its genre.

Camera Shots
There are many different types of camera shots that are used within this trailer. Mid shots are used within this trailer to introuce the main characters and their personalities. This helps the target audience to understand how the different characters within the film play their part. For example, the image on the left shows another main character and that they personality is bold and out going.

Long Shots are used within the film trailer for "Mean Girls" to establish the setting of the film which is set in a high school. This is so that the target audience knows where the main part of the film is taking place so that they are able to understand the film better. It also helps the target audience to relate to the film because the target audience are of a similar age to the characters that are within this film. In this screen shot, point of view (tracking shot) is also being used to show the target audience what the characters are seeing in their world. This helps the target audience to understand what the characters are seeing in their own environment and this helps the target audience to understant the plot of the film more.
Close ups are used within the trailer for "Mean Girls" to highlight some of the main characters within the film. For example, the image on the left shows a close up of the leading man of the film who is portrayed as the typical handsome teenage boy. A close up is used to show off the fact that he is the typical handsome teenage boy to show off his features to the target audience. This close up of the leading guy is also used to show the target audience that there are a few male roles within the film, however, the film is mainly dominated by females for the main roles and this highlights that the film is aimed at women.
Camera Angles
There are a variety of different camera angles that are used throughout the trailer of "Mean Girls"  to show the different aspects that are within the film itself.
Panning is the main camera angle that is used within the trailer. It i used to show the target audience the different cliques within the setting of the film. For example, when all the characters are in the canteen and panning is used to show all the different cliques sitting at their individual tables without mixing with other cliques. Panning is also used to show the different areas within the school, for example, the classrooms.
Low Angles and High Angles are another camera angle technique that is used within the trailer. These camera angles are used within the film trailer to show the target audience a hierarchy within the school between the cliques. Below are 2 images, one of a low andgle and one of a high angle. These printscreens are one after the other and they show the hierarchy between the 2 characters within the film.

Left: Low Angle

Right: High Angle

Edits and Transitions
Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" there are a variety of different edits and transitions that are used.
A zooming effect is used within the trailer to show close ups of both characters and the settings of the film. Close ups of the characters are also used to show the target audience that the characters are of a similar age to them and this helps them to relate more with the characters within the film.
The trailer for "Mean Girls" is edited in a way so that it highlights and tells the narrative of the film by showing all the evil and devious plots and wars between the main characters. For example, in the image on the left, a phone conversation is being held and this is where one of the evil plots is taking place between 2 of the main characters. This is edited so that you are able to see both of the characters at the same time.
Jumping is used within the trailer to show the difference between the character's appearances and the differences in their personalities. For example, when they are introducing the "Plastics" clique within the film, the trailer jumps from scene to scene showing the different personalities of each of the characters within the clique. Jumping is also used to show off different parts of the school as it helps the target audience to understand the space of the school and how the characters behave within the environment.
Reverse shots are used during conversations between characters to show their relationships and their behaviour towards each other. This helps the target audience to understand the conflict that will occur between these characters.

Mise En Scene
Within the trailer for "Mean Girls" the mise en scene of everything that is shown suggests the genre of the film, which is a romantic comedy.
Most of the main female characters within the trailer are wearing the colour pink. This suggests that the target audience is females because it is a colour that is associated with females rather than males. It also shows that the film is dominated by women.
The different outfits of the characters show the different personalities within the different cliques. For example, in the image on the left the character is made to look sweet and inocent but really she is the "Mean Girl" of the film who is cunning and devious at the same time.
The mise en scene of the film also includes the setting of the film. The setting of most of the film is in a high school. This shows the target audience that the characters are of a similar age to them and this helps the target audience to relate more to the film and the characters that are in it. The mise en scene also shows the target audience that the school has a lot of different cliques in it. For example, in the image on the right, the school is crowded and all the characters have different personalities. This shows the target audience that each clique has their own identity and personality.
There are many different types of sounds that are used within this trailer to help the target audience to understand more about the films narrative.
The background music of the film trailer is upbeat and modern. This attracts the attention of the target audience because it is the style of music that they are used to and it also draws them into the film as the background music makes it sound exciting and fun. The background music of the film also makes the main character of the film seem sweet and inocent at the start of the trailer but shows how she progresses to be just as devious as the main characters.
The dialogue that is within the film trailer helps to explain the narrative of the film by telling the target audience about the devious plots that the characters perform within the film. This also draws the target audience in to the film because the trailer shows the excitment and deviouness of the film and its characters.

Here is a link to the trailer of "Mean Girls"

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