About Me

I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Monday 20 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research and planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout this project, I have used a variety of different media technologies (some encountered before and some new technologies) in order to create successful products that will appeal to my target audience.

The first new media technology that I used for this project that was a large part of the constrauction/filiming of my trailer was the camera and the tripod. I had previously used the cameras for previous projects, however, the tripod was a new piece of equipment for me.
Below is an image of the tripod:
This piece of equipment was fairly difficult to use. This is because it was hard to adjust to the right height and angle that I needed for my filming, this also took up a lot of time with the transportation of it aswell. This therefore made setting up for the filming more time consuming (I also used this piece of equipment for the filming of my evaluation).

However, as time progressed I learnt how to use this piece of equipment more effectively as it is a lot easier to film with rather than using freehand (which I first thought to use but changed my mind).

The second piece of media technology that I used was a filming clipboard. I used this within some of my filming of scenes because I needed to take a variety of different shots to get them right (for example, the cat walks where the characters are introduced), therefore during the editing process I was able to know exactly which filming of the scene I wanted without having to repeat the process of watching the scenes again.
Below is an image of the filming clipboard:
This piece of equipment was helpful when it came to filming and editing and was easy to use. However, using this piece of equipment was also time consuming as I had to come up with names for each individual scene and then number them and sometimes it was hard to keep track of all the different scenes and numbers.
Another piece of new media technology that I had to use within this project was the Serif Movie Plus software that allowed me to edit my scenes and create the actual trailer itself, it allowed me to do a variety of different special effects to make my trailer more appealing to the target audience.
Below is an image of the Serif software:
This piece of media technology was the hardest to use throughout the project. This is because there were so many different elements to it that could improve the trailer that I was creating. Therefore I had to spend time learning how to create these special effects to make my overall trailer better and more appealing. An example of a special affect that was very time consuming in learning to create was the split screen where the 2 main female characters are introduced. I also had to learn how to edit the background music for my trailer and add it to my filming.
I also used a variety of programmes/software on the Internet. For example, Youtube (to find the trailers and analyse them to find the right conventions to put in my trailer), Google Images (to find the film posters that go with these trailers so I could once again find the conventions and apply them to my products) and this blog (so that I could upload all of my work into one place that was easily accessible).

Throughout the project I have encountered a variety of different media technologies to make my products the best that they can be in order to appeal to the target audience. Some were easy to use and some were more difficult, but they all helped to make my products appealing to the target audience and I learnt how to use them all in the end. Therefore, the process of creating these products was enjoyable.

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