About Me

I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Monday 23 January 2012

Trailer Storyboard

Below is the storyboard for my trailer, I had my original idea but I had to change bits within my stroryboard during the filming of my trailer and a bit during the editing, this is so that my trailer would be more appealing to the target audience. Here is the storyboard:

Monday 16 January 2012

Planning the Filming of My Trailer

The actors in my trailer will be the 3 main characters in the entire film. They will be the 2 enemies and the love interest of the film. Here are my actors and their back-ups if they are unable to attend the filming session:
Girl 1 - Lucy (back-up Beccie)
Girl 2 - Emma (back-up Beth)
Guy - Joe (back-up Kieran)

My trailer will be filmed in the same location, but it will be in different parts of the location, for example, the pregnancy scene will be shot in the house of one of the actors and the fighting scene will be shot in the field behind there house, this means that the locations will be easy to get to. The only location that will be different is the start where the 2 girls are playing with the ball, this will be filmed at a hut about 5 minutes away from the main location.

My actors will be wearing their own clothes because their personalities fit the characters roles and therefore the costumes will resemble the personalities of the characters. However, I need to buy props such as the pregnancy test and the football. Some scenes I will also have to create lighting and this will be done from a lamp as it gives off a lot of light and it can be used for a variety of different lighting techniques.

When I am filming there will obviously be sound from the elements outside (e.g. wind). However, I will mute all of these sounds in the editing process and I will add the background music over the top of the scenes to add music and sound to the trailer in order for it to be more appealing to tha target audience.

Planning of My Film Trailer

Inspiration for my film
The inspiration of my film came from the 2004 hit American teen comedy film “Mean Girls”, starring Lindsey Lohan. In the film a new girl arrives at the school and is an instant hit with the “Plastics” clique who is the mean girls of the school. Throughout the film, the target audience see the girls playing tricks on each other, going behind each others backs to find out information and gossip about each other and competing for the attention of the leading man of the film, Jonathan Bennett. This has inspired my film because I wanted to create a film that was funny within itself and the characters but a film that also had a bit of romance developed into it.

Plot Summary of my film
My film will be based on 2 teenage girls who used to be best friends when they were little who have grown apart and into enemies as they grew up into teenagers and are the complete opposite of each other. One is a Goth and one is a complete girly girl (like the “Plastics”). A new boy moves into the neighbour hood who they both want. The girls battle each other in cunning and manipulative ways by playing tricks on each other in order to win the affections of the new boy in town.

This follows Levi Strauss’ theory of binary opposition as the 2 girls contrast with each other. The film will also follow Todorov’s Equilibrium theory as the characters will be doing their normal everyday life where they ignore each other, then the new boy moves onto the block and it throws the film into disequilibrium and then a new equilibrium is created at the end of the film. However, only half of this will be shown in the teaser trailer as it would tell the target audience how the film ends if I showed them the new equilibrium.

What audience expectation does the title give?
The title of my film is “My Enemy’s Boyfriend”. This gives the audience expectation that the film will be a romantic comedy and aimed at females because it gives the impression and expectation that love is involved. It also gives the audience the expectation that there will be some arguing and fighting as the title refers to a character as an “Enemy”. This portrays Barthes Enigma Code because it makes the audience wonder what the fascination is with the enemy’s boyfriend and why they are after him in the first place. This will make the target audience intrigued as to what will happen in the film.

There will be 3 main characters in my film, there will be the 2 best friends who are now enemies, one will be a Goth and the other will be a stereotypical girly girl. There will also be the leading man who will have the typical “new boy on the block” look that makes all the girls want to have him. My characters fit Propp’s Stock Characters because there will be a love interest (the new boy), there will be a villain and a hero although the 2 main characters each have these features within them, and there will be the friends of the 2 main characters who will be the helpers in the film.