About Me

I am a year 13 student at Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form and I have created this blog as a way to present the Media Studies coursework that i have done and created for my A level grade.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Film Questionnaire

1.     What is your Gender?
Female            Male

2.    What Age Group are you in?
10-15         16-22         23-30         30+

3.    What is your favourite genre of film?
Horror    Action    Romantic Comedy    Sci-fi    Western    Drama/Tragedy

4.    Do you read reviews before you see a film?
Yes         No

5.    What type of advertisement do you find most influential to see a film?
Magazine      Trailer      Poster      Website

6.    How influential is a trailer to see a film?
Not at all       Slightly influential       Very influential

7.    What do you find most appealing about a trailer?
Sounds      Graphics      Actors      Plot Lines      Camera Angles/Shots

8.    How long should a trailer be?
Less than 1 minute      1 Minute      2 Minutes      3 Minutes or More

9.    Which type of sound do you think is more important in a film trailer?
Music       Dialogue

10. Do you like to see a variety of different graphics or would you prefer them to be simple?
Variety of different Graphics       Simple Graphics